Nelson Camus, home cerca dones solteres: buscar homes solters a Torrejon de la calzada

  •  Nelson Camus
  • 66 anys
  • 1 foto
Torrejon de la calzada, Madrid, Espanya
Busco: dones solteres
Per: buscar parella
I am a scientist, easygoing man. funny, humorous, not aggressive, stylish, well educated and very cool. IDEAL MATE Easygoing lady with positive attitud'and big Punch to be a winner, lovely, warm and love music and dance, DREAMS Enjoy the beauty of life in contact with forest, lakes, mountain and ocean with a good partner at my side. HOBBIES Play football, swim, walk, rid'a bike, dance, movies, sightseeing, visit museum, read books, enjoy the natural life, camping FAVOURITE FOOD Sushi fish, Chinese bistro , italian and French food FAVOURITE MUSIC. All type

Buscar homes solters a mobifriends és gratis, molt fàcil i divertit.

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