
Mobifriends was founded in November 2005 with the aim of creating a new service, accessible from mobile phones and the Internet, where users could search for and contact people to share their hobbies, common interests and activities, make new friends, find a partner or perhaps have a fling.

Thinking of the users
Since then, we have been working to find out what we must offer users to give them the best possible experience - by developing a comprehensive, easy-to-use service, that is focused on their needs.

Sign up to mobifriends, it's completely free!!!

First, fill in your basic details. Your e-mail address and mobile number will be strictly confidential and will only be used by us to contact you, or to send you messages and alerts.

You will then be able to upload a photo and fill in the rest of your profile. The more details you add to your profile, the more likely that people will contact you and you'll find who you're looking for.

With the aim of offering the best service, we focus our energies in:

User satisfaction:
The service has been designed and developed with end users in mind, making an effort to solve their needs in an straightforward, quick and simple way, creating a friendly and attractive environment with top quality.

The service complies with the Spanish Data Protection Law and the Information Society Law, which guarantees that all personal data is treated in a confidential and secure manner.

Quality and veracity:
To avoid fake or inappropriate profiles, the mobifriends moderation team verifies profiles, introductions and photos to ensure that they comply with the Terms of Use.

Mobifriends also offers the service Report Abuse so that users can report any problems or inappropriate conduct by other mobifriends users. Mobifriends will take the necessary action to ensure that users infringing the Terms of Use are permanently banned from the service.

In mobifriends, on the Internet portal or from your mobile you can:

  • Sign up for free
  • Create and edit your profile
  • Upload your photos
  • Search and view the profiles and photos of users found for you
  • Communicate with them by sending messages and mobis, or via the chatroom or videomessenger*

*at the moment the video option is only available for the Internet access.

You do not need to be at home to access mobifriends.
With mobifriends, you can stay online, manage your account, perform searches, receive messages, and chat with other users, as if you were on the Internet, but from your phone. Wherever and whenever you want.