a. All brands and logos that appear on the MF Platforms and that represent MF services are owned by MF. MOBIFRIENDS is a registered brand in the Registro de la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas.
b. MF has requested an international patent for the design of the service.
c. MF has also registered the internet domains and
d. Any use of the signs related to MF are forbidden without previous authorization from the company.
e. In reference to brand, internet domain names, logos, drawings or images belonging to third parties, that may be entitled to protection by means of a patent, etc, and that could be published in the MF Platforms, its use is also forbidden. To use them the titular of the rights will have to be contacted for an authorization.
a. All of the web, mobile sites and app: text, pictures, buttons, software files, colour combinations, as well as the structure, the programming, the selections, sorting and presentation of their contents is protected by the Spanish and International laws about intellectual property. MF is the only titular of the use rights for intellectual property for anything contained in the web and mobile sites.
b. Under no circumstances does the access to these Platforms imply any kind of renounce, transfer or delegation, in part or in total, of the rights given by Spanish and International law about Intellectual Property.
c. Reproduction (except temporary download from the web site to the User’s PC hard drive or proxy servers), copy, use, distribution, reuse, exploit, doing second copies, email, transfer, modification, delegation oar any other act with the totality or part of the information contained in this Platforms, that has been not explicitly authorized by the titular, are forbidden. It implicitly authorize the use and download of files and applications that are purposely offered on the website and the printing or downloading of the content of the information for private use.